terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

Recife Antigo - Pós-carnaval

No sábado depois do carnaval fomos ao Recife Antigo conhecer alguns participantes do projeto "CouchSurfing" que marcaram um encontro num bar da rua da Moeda.
Esqueci de registrar, através de fotos, a confraternização.
Registrei apenas nossa passagem pela rua da Moeda e a visita ao Marco Zero e ao Centro Cultural do Banco Santander.

Hi, Ricardo Ferreira! Some CouchSurfers in your area are organizing an event that you might be interested in. Check it out!

Tematic Party!
[b] COME!!! [/b]

We´re inviting belgium, brazil, and the world´s
people to come Friendship Celebration!

Come wearing the countries colours to meet CS people,
to have beer and potatos, to be happy! \p/
Bringging music and flag is also welcome (who want to
help with decoration contact me).

You can consult the bus you take by writing the adress
you´re placed and "Rua da Moeda, Recife" at:

It will be very easy to find us, a big and happy group
in the street.

In case that you cannot find us, call Johan

FROM: March 12th, 2011 - 2:00 pm


LOCATION: Brazil - Pernambuco - Recife
ADDRESS: Rua da Moeda, Recife Antigo - Recife

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